For Education, By Education...

All industries contain a high percentage of open source; EdTech contains open source software in nearly 100% of their audited codebases

- 2024 OSSRA: A deep dive into open source trends

Every campus now relies on open source software across the enterprise. Apereo Foundation-level membership ensures organizations can effectively and successfully manage both internal applications and external, contracted services.

The Apereo Foundation is a global network of academic institutions, educational consortia, government agencies, and corporate affiliates fostering, developing, and sustaining open technologies and innovation to support learning, teaching, and research. 

Apereo's robust peer community of practice, trusted professional partnerships, and curated assets provide a wealth of resources, support, and services to increase institutional effectiveness, deliver technical innovation, and promote collaboration and cooperation.

Apereo is...

  • 300+ institutions: research universities, residential and community colleges, technical schools, and educational consortia.
  • Twenty projects and communities: Central Authentication System (CAS), Opencast,  SakaiLMS, uPortal, Xerte, and many more.
  • 2000+ contributors: software developers, college and university faculty and staff, campus administrators, edtech leaders, and corporate partners.

Apereo helps you...

  • Stay informed and up to date on emerging trends, hot topics, and current issues impacting open source software and, thus, educational technology and, ultimately, the success of your institution.
  • Make informed decisions guided by industry experts, curated resources, and a shared network of open source practitioners.
  • Build a collaborative community of co-creators developing best practices and dedicated to shared principles.
  • Expand your experience and expertise to build your career through professional development and service.

Apereo Membership Model Overview

Apereo offers many membership types to fit the needs of organizations, businesses, and individuals who wish to enable equitable opportunities for a global community of open source software users, technologists and developers. There is no one-size-fits-all membership type as we serve institutions large and small, wealthy and underfunded, across six continents.

Community Members
  • Community Memberships allow organizations that support the adoption and development of open source software within higher education to join Apereo, adding their own unique experience and expertise to the discussion and direction of the organization.
  • Cost: available at no cost
  • Community Member benefits.
Foundation Members
  • For campuses seeking a home for original, internally developed open source software projects.
  • Foundation as a Service: Apereo, as a foundation, alleviates campus requirements and responsibilities related to the ongoing care and feeding of open source software projects and communities. Academic or research institutions and the projects they create find peer communities of practice within Apereo with both open source experience and expertise not typically available locally on campus.
  • Cost: Sliding scale based on the member organization's annual budget
  • Foundation Members' benefits and costs. 
Institutional Members
  • Institutional memberships are designed to support a range of organizations, from those actively involved in open source software development to others who rely on open source technologies as end-users.
  • OSPO as a Service: Apereo Foundation provides a “center of excellence” for the institution’s internal open source operations and structure, acting as an Open Source Program Office for the Institutional Member, where best practices help mature and sustain projects and communities.
  • Cost: Sliding scale based on the member organization's annual budget.
  • Institutional members' benefits and costs.
Sustaining Members
Commercial Members
  • Corporations, small businesses, and companies that demonstrate support for the Apereo Foundation and its constituent software communities by becoming paying members.
  • Cost: Standard   $2,500.00
              Platinum   $10,000.00
  • Commercial members' benefits and costs.
Friends of Apereo