CAS Server 3.4.10 (And 3.4.9) Released

We're pleased to announce both CAS Server 3.4.9 and CAS Server 3.4.10. Though both have been released, please use 3.4.10, as it fixes a minor configuration regression related to LDAP authentication handlers.
Complete changelog:
- CAS-1003 Provide a TicketGrantingTicket expiration policy that incorporates both a hard timeout and sliding window idle timeout
- CAS-1034 Update vt-crypt to 2.1.4 for Fixes Related to X.509 DN Parsing
- CAS-1030 FastBindLdapAuthenticationHandler spring config fails without ldapTemplate which is required, but isn't used
- CAS-1028 Russian translation
- CAS-1027 Update aspectj-maven-plugin in the core pom from 1.3 to 1.3.1
- CAS-958 Cas Login Token Ids don't conform to Protocol Specification
- CAS-972 CAS TGC default cookie path should be "/cas/" ?
- CAS-988 Generate Hashes for Assembly Artifacts
- CAS-949 Missing namespace breaks SamlService functionality
- CAS-973 Remember me support through SAML validation
- CAS-981 Remove final on AbstractLdapUsernamePasswordAuthenticationHandler.afterPropertiesSet()
- CAS-931 spanish languaje improve
- CAS-975 500 ISE while attempting to validate an invalid service ticket
- CAS-1014 CAS login view layout is broken
- CAS-964 InMemoryServiceRegistryDaoImpl incorrectly register services
- CAS-971 Incomplete translation file crashes admin interface
- CAS-987 Permit use of LDAP connections pool in AbstractLdapPersonDirectoryCredentialsToPrincipalResolver and AbstractLdapUsernamePasswordAuthenticationHandler
- CAS-1001 TicketOrCredentialPrincipalResolver results in ClassCastException when implementing own UserDetails implementation
- CAS-1018 address "//XXX fix this" in CentralAuthenticationServiceImpl
- CAS-1015 jQuery object is undefined on CAS login page
- CAS-998 Improve the rendering performance of the default login page
- CAS-991 add user-facing note to login JSP reminding that SSO will not work without https:
- CAS-976 Add/Edit Service UI Service URL property should be labeled "Service URL" not "Service Url"
- CAS-990 cas-server-webapp web.xml SVN tag 3.4.5 declares display-name version 3.4.4
- CAS-982 Abstract ${} as a property
You can find the releases in the Maven Repository or on the downloads page.
Thanks to everyone who helped out with this release.
Project News