Three Open Source Trends Impacting Higher Education

November 1, 2023
Patrick Masson, Apereo Foundation ED

Three open source trends impacting higher education.

Emergence of campus-based Open Source Program Offices (OSPO)
Institutions–Johns Hopkins, Rochester Institute of Technology, University of Vermont, UC Santa Cruz, Saint Louis University, Carnegie Mellon, and more are launching OSPOs, providing “long-term institutional support ecosystems for open source software and the faculty, students, researchers, and staff who build and maintain it.”

New open source regulation in, and requirements for, research and academic initiatives

NIST Guidance on Securing the Software Supply Chain, NIST Secure Software Development Framework, Software Supply Chain Security Executive Order, OMB Enhancing the Security of the Software Supply Chain Through Secure Software Development Practices, EU Cyber Resilience Act, White House National Cybersecurity Strategy, National Cyber Director Open Source Software Security, White House National Cyber Security Implementation Plan, CISA Open Source Software Security Roadmap.

Post COVID impacts–cost realignment, digital transformation, extended services…

“Sustaining the gains and building on the good outcomes associated with higher ed's response to COVID-19 can enhance the quality and distribution of online teaching and learning, build up resources and infrastructure, and ultimately save institutions valuable time and money.” (Beyond COVID-19, What’s Next for Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education? Educause)

We must reinvent education as a software enterprise, employing platform strategies and harnessing software industry practices like open source, modular, and agile development. Doing so will unleash rapid innovation, allowing universities to deliver on the promise of higher education. (Will COVID-19 Save Higher Education? Forbes)


Join Apereo 


300+ participating academic institutions and 2500+ contributors: developers, faculty, students, technologists, campus administrators, and commercial affiliates.

AXIES, EDUCAUSE, ESUP Portail, Open Forum Europe, Open Source Initiative, Open Source Lab, Open Source Policy Alliance, OSPO.Alliance, and OSPO++ 


All Things Open, CHAOSS, Creative Commons, Eclipse Foundation, EDUCAUSE Annual Conference, FOSDEM, FOSSY, Nercomp,, OW2, Python Software Foundation

Join us as an investor in open source software to support higher education. Apereo Partners benefit from a global network of open source leaders and enjoy unique opportunities with, and access to, higher education decision-makers.

Connect with The Apereo Foundation today to learn more about partnership opportunities.

Patrick Masson, Executive Director,
Josh Baron, Development Officer,
