2024 Micro Conference Series: Save the Dates!
Special thanks to all of our 2023 micro conference speakers! We appreciate you helping to make these events a success!
Apereo Foundation is excited to share this sneak peek of our terrific lineup of open source speakers and thinkers joining us for the 2024 micro conference sessions.
January - Simon Phipps
Wednesday, January 17, 1800 GMT / 1300 Eastern (1 PM)
Simon Phipps will lead the Apereo community in a discussion ranging several open source topics such as:
- Do open source projects need foundations to host them?
- How should projects and adopting organizations respond to the coming waves of software regulation?
- What impact will/does open source have on AI, IoT and Cloud?
Simon Phipps is a consultant providing insight and knowledge on open source, digital rights and the emerging meshed economy to businesses and governments worldwide, as the founding principal of Meshed Insights Ltd. His writing is regularly featured in a variety of global publications and he is a frequent keynote speaker. He is a delegate at various de jure standards bodies such as ETSI and ISO on behalf of OSI. He serves as a director of the AlmaLinux OS Foundation.
He was previously President of OSI, the Open Source Initiative (twice) — the non-profit organisation that acts steward of the canonical list of open source licenses and the Open Source Definition — and a director of The Document Foundation, creators of LibreOffice. He is featured in the “Faces Of Open Source” project.
He is the co-founder and executive director of Public Software CIC, which hosts small or new community activities in the free and open source community.
February - Philipe Krief
Wednesday, February 14, 10 AM Eastern U.S./4 PM Central European
Philippe Krief, Director of Research Relations at Eclipse Foundation, France, joins us on February 14th to discuss Research @ Eclipse: 10 Years of commitment and support
Philippe Krief is the Research Relations Director of the Eclipse Foundation. He is a project leader, expert in object-oriented design, embedded development, development tools, and Agile-Scrum development process. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science, option Artificial Intelligence and Integrated Development Environments from University Paris Sorbonne, France in 1990.
Philippe oversees the team that collaborates on European research projects (Horizon Europe, ITEA, and KDT), mainly for dissemination, community building and open-source best practices. To date, the Foundation has been involved in over 25 projects, half of which are underway or nearing completion.
Be sure to let us know if you’d like to join the invitation list for micro conferences by emailing registrar@apereo.org.
March - Ben Cotton
Wednesday, March 13th, 12 PM Eastern U.S./6 PM Central European
Ben Cotton, a longtime contributor to the Fedora Linux project and author of Program Management for Open Source Projects: How to Guide Your Community-Driven, Open Source Project will join us March 13th to discuss Coopetition: open source projects working together. We think this will be highly relevant for anyone in our community that has a need and/or desire to cooperate and collaborate with those working on other projects.
Be sure to let us know if you’d like to join the invitation list for micro conferences by emailing registrar@apereo.org.
April 10 - Vicky Brasseur
Wednesday, April 10th, Time is TBD
Our speaker will be Vicky Brasseur, author of Forge Your Future with Open Source, the only book detailing how to contribute to free/open source (FOSS) projects. Vicky has been a moderator and author for opensource.com, an author for Linux Journal, the Vice President of the Open Source Initiative, and is a frequent and popular speaker at free/open source conferences and events. Join us on April 10th to hear this dynamic thinker!
Be sure to let us know if you’d like to join the invitation list for micro conferences by emailing registrar@apereo.org.
May 8 - Dr. Heidi Ellis and Dr. Greg Hislop
Wednesday, May 8th, Time TBD
Two researchers who have focused on the topics of teaching open source and open source communities!
Dr. Heidi Ellis, professor of Computer Science at Western New England University, is one of the founding members of the Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software (HFOSS) project, which focuses on involving students in FOSS projects that improve the human condition. And...
Dr. Greg Hislop is a professor in the Information Science Department of the College of Computing and Informatics at Drexel University. Dr. Hilsop is an advocate for the educational and societal benefits of the free and open source movement. He facilitates the coordinating committee of Teaching Open Source, a member project of the Software Freedom Conservancy.
Dr. Ellis and Dr. Hilsop will join the Apereo community to discuss Teaching Open Source.
Please invite your professorial, teaching, and learning colleagues for this May 8th discussion.
Be sure to let us know if you’d like to join the invitation list for micro conferences by emailing registrar@apereo.org.